This is my school homepage and Chinese version at 主页
04/03/2025We are thrilled to anounce 3 papers, all first authored by our lab members, are appearing in CLEO this year, including
- Yufeng Wang, Zecong Liu, Yuting Zhou, Xinke Tang, and Xun Guan, "Optoelectronic Joint Pre-Equalization Using Parallel GaN-based Green LED Arrays for Underwater VLC".
- Zecong Liu, Yufeng Wang, Chonghao Zhang, Kwai Hei Li, and Xun Guan, "Monolithic Integrated GaN Optoelectronics for Underwater Visible Light Communication and Sensing Systems".
- Yansong Du, Jingtong Yao, Feiyu Jiao, Bangyao Wang, Zhen Xu, Qiang Jin, Yuanzheng Ma, Zhaoxiang Jiang, and Xun Guan, "Random Phase Noise Optimization for iToF Cameras".
20/1/2025Yansong's paper entitled "Modeling, analysis, and optimization of random error in indirect time-of-flight camera " has appeared in Optics Express!
10/12/2024Mingzi's paper entitled "JAQ: Joint Efficient Architecture Design and Low-Bit Quantization with Hardware-Software Co-Exploration" has been accepted to AAAI held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA during February 25 – March 4. Big congratulations!
08/10/2024Photonics West has accepted Yuanzheng's oral presentation titled "LiGO: LLM-enhanced iterative graphic optimization for super-resolution underwater 3D reconstruction". The event is between 25 - 30 January 2025, at The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, United States.
17/09/2024Our paper "Enhancing VLC Vehicle Networks in Channel Estimation, Coding, and Multiple Access" has been accepted for oral presentation at Globecom 2024 workshop on Emerging Topics in 6G Communications. Splendid work by Rui Chen and Jiaojiao Wang, and Xinjie Yuan from Prof. Shao-Lun Huang's group!
07/09/2024Two more accepted papers.
One at Nature Communications with Prof. Zhongjin Lin at Sun Yat-sen University, titled "120 GOPS/neuron Photonic Tensor Core in Thin-film Lithium Niobate for Inference and in-situ Training".
The other at IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, with Ms. Liyan Zheng and Prof. Yuhan Dong of Tsinghua SIGS, titled "Mutual Information Optimization with PAPR Reduction for MISO-OFDM UWOC through Probabilistic Shaping and Precoding".
Huge congratulations!
01/08/2024Zecong's paper, "Magnet-Assisted GaN Monolithically Integrated Device for Optical Three-Axis Motion Sensing", has been accepted to ACS Photonics.
01/08/2024We have a few conference contributions to annouce:
- Jiaojiao Wang has a paper accepted for oral presentation at IEEE Information Theory Workshop 2024 (IEEE ITW 2024) to be held in Shenzhen, China. The title is "Rack-aware Minimum-Storage Regenerating Codes with Optimal Access for Consecutive Node Failures".
- Jiazhen Song with Prof. Zhenyu Liu has one contribution to IEEE Globecom 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa, titled "THz Optical Image Recognition Method via AM-Res2Net Model".
- Weijie Dai with Prof. Yuhan Dong has two accepted papers to Optica Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science 2024 (FiO LS 2024) to be held in Denver, Colorado, USA. The titles are "OAM Spectral Asymmetry Identification and Symbol-level Detection in Twisted Partially Coherent FSO Links" and "Concurrence Modulation and Direct Detection Free-space Optical Communication Systems under General Stokes Detection Noise".
08/07/2024Our students in two groups wins second and third prizes in TBSI retreat poster conference competition. Kudos to all!

15/06/2024I attended "第二届光通信与光电器件发展论坛" in Qingdao, a beatiful coastal city. A talk was given at the conference titled "单片集成微力传感器及其连续无创动脉压监测". The day ended up with 10 km seaside run and a huge glass of Tsingtao beer!

05/04/2024Yuanzheng will present his new result of underwater imaging in UAEGSRC, held in Al Ain in United Arab Emirates. The presetation date is April 20, 2024. He has also won a travel grant sponsored by the conference host!
17/02/2024Yuanzheng is going to CLEO again (in Charlotte instead of California so mind your airticket destination!) this May to present his new finding of "Enhancing Underwater Imaging for Robot through Embedded Polarization Neural Network"!
08/02/2024Thrilled to announce that our article "DOVE: Doodled Vessel Enhancement for Photoacoustic Angiography Super Resolution" has been accepted to Medical Image Analysis. Great work by Yuanzheng and all collaborators! Kindly visit Yuanzheng's GitHub repository for the code and app of this work.
01/02/2024Our paper "Enhanced Performance for SSB-OFDM Transmission with a Low-Chirp Silicon MRM" has been accepted to *IEEE/Optica Journal of Lightwave Technology*. Congratulations to Zibo and all co-authors!
08/12/2023I'll give an invited talk at O-West held by Chinese Society for Optical Engineering (中国光学工程学会) on Dec. 17 in Chengdu, Sichuan. My talk is in track T5 - Optoelectronic integration and system applications.
04/11/2023An invited talk was given today at ACP/POEM2023 workshop 5 "Optical Wireless Communication for 6G". Now stay tuned for Davit's talk tomorrow. We are also in the finalist of Best Student Paper ^_^
13/09/2023I'll give an invited talk in ACP2023 workshop 6: Optical Wireless Communication for 6G.
13/09/2023Our submission to ACP2023, 'Exploring the Neural Organoid in High Definition: Physics-Inspired High-Throughout Super-Resolution 3D Image Reconstruction', has been accepted. Congratulations to our collaborators, Davit Khutsishvili, Zitian Mi, Prof. Shaohua Ma, and Yuanzheng!
07/09/2023An invited talk on 'Silicon Microring Modulator for 6G Optical Access Networks: On Polarization, Chirp and Dispersion' is given at OGC2023.
01/09/2023Our paper, "Peak-tracking BOTDA with dynamic ternary search," by D. Qi, X. Guan*, Y. Cheng and C. K. Chan, has been accepted to Optics Express.
17/08/2023Visible Light Communications and Optical Computing Conference (VLCOC) is approaching! I'll serve as the TPC chair the two-day event from this Saturday. See you in Shenzhen!
25/07/2023Welcome to Shenzhen! I'll chair “可见光通信与光计算大会” to be hosted in August in University Town Shenzhen. Check out this link and stay tuned.
14/07/2023Yuanzheng's paper presented in BPC2023 is published in SPIE Proceedings.
09/07/2023Congratulations to Yuanzheng & teammates on winning First Prize of Best Poster Award in the competition at TBSI retreat!

12/06/2023Congratulations to Yuanzheng on winning Outstanding Student Report at BPC2023!

23/05/2023Yuanzheng will present in 第二届“生物医学光子学交叉融合”学术论坛(BPC2023) on "基于嵌套迭代神经网络仅使用八张图像实现医学影像超分辨重建", June 8-10, in Shanghai.
29/03/2023Yuanzheng and I will present in 第三届全国光子论坛 (held from 3.31 to 4.3 in Guangzhou) on Super-resolution Photoacoustic Angiography, and Silicon Photonics for 6G and Beyond.
18/02/20233 papers get in CLEO2023:
- "Super-Resolution Photoacoustic Angiography Assisted by Images Forged from Hand-Drawn Graffiti (JTu2A.51)" by Yuanzheng
- "Accelerated Brillouin Frequency Shift Estimation Algorithm" by Di of CUHK
- "Record High Throughput using Electronic 2×2 MIMO with OAM Multiplexing (SF1M.3)" by Mai of ULaval
09/02/2023I will serve the technical program committee of IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC2023) in Orlando, USA; and 2023 International conference on Optical Communication and Optical Information Processing (OCOIP 2023) in Sanya, China.
08/02/2023An invited talk titled 'Silicon Photonics for High-Speed 5G and Optical Networks' will be delivered at OFC2023, session Tu2B, on March 7, 2023, together with Leslie.
26/12/2022As one of the two Core-PIs, I have secured an inter-disciplinary funding from Tsinghua SIGS, focusing on the miniaturition of sensors and monitoring of greenhouse gas, together with Prof. Longfei Yu of iEE (Institute of Environment and Ecology), Tsinghua SIGS.
12/12/2022One funding from Shenzhen municipal natural science funding (NSF) is successfully granted.
18/11/2022An invited review paper together with Zuhang Geng, Prof. Faisal N. Khan and Prof. Yuhan Dong, 'Advances in Visible Light Communication Technologies and Applications,' has been accepted to MDPI Photonics.
17/11/2022Our paper, 'Using Standard 2×2 MIMO to Increase Capacity of Spatial Multiplexing with OAM Modes,' has been accepted to Journal of Lightwave Technology.
07/10/2022A paper by Di, me and Prof. Calvin Chan entitled "An Efficient Ternary Search for Dynamic Brillouin Frequency Shift in BOTDA" has been accepted to ACP 2022.
13/09/2022We've got reinforcement by our new members, 马远征 (Yuanzheng Ma) and 王欣悦 (Xinyue Wang). Welcome to LIT!
12/09/2022I will serve as a guest editor of a special issue of "Optical Network Design and Optimization" of MDPI Photonics, together of Prof. Qiu Yang. Check link or flyer for more details.
29/08/2022I am to give an invited talk in PHOTOPTO 2023 in Paris (tentatively, dependent on travel restriction).
28/08/2022I am to deliver an invited talk in OGC 2022 in Shenzhen (luckily no travel issue). Update on Sep. 7: the conference has been postponed due to pandemic issue. Update on Dec. 11: the talk has been given as of today.
20/08/2022Our paper titled 'Optimizing Geometric Constellations for Phase Noise Channels Using Deep Learning' by Omir, me, Ming and Leslie has been accepted as an oral presentation in IEEE IPC, Nov. 2022 in Vancouver, Canada.
05/08/2022As a Co-PI I have successfully secured a Shenzhen municipal funding, led by Prof. Min Ye of TBSI.
24/06/2022A paper in collaboration with Prof. Leslie Ann Rusch and group, of Université Laval, 'Expanded Modal Capacity for OAM with Standard 2×2 MIMO', has been accepted to ECOC 2022 held in Basel, Switzerland.
10/05/2022My paper titled 'Experimental Demonstration of a Constellation Shaped via Deep Learning and Robust to Residual-Phase-Noise', is presented at CLEO 2022 held in San Jose, California, USA.